Image size - mobile app
Image templates for development and maintenance of mobile apps via the portal
Image templates for development and maintenance of mobile apps via the portal
Here you find the recommended image sizes for images when you make and maintain a mobile app via app development.
Image Carousel (All Features)
Image Carousel (All Features)
1200 x 675 px.
Home Grid Layout Launcher Icons
Home Grid Layout Launcher Icons
Folder Feature Icons - when you use a layout displaying them as squares
Folder Feature Icons - when you use a layout displaying them as squares
1024 x 1024 px.
Image Gallery & Info Slider
Image Gallery & Info Slider
When displaying as Wide Screen
1200 x 675 px.
When displaying as Full Screen
1600 x 2560 px.
Folder Feature Icons
Folder Feature Icons
When you use a layout displaying them as horizontal bars
1200 x 300 px.
and 1200 x 675 px. depending on the layout you use.
Folder Feature Background
Folder Feature Background
750 x 1334 px.
When you want to publish the app, or if you have made a new branding of the app:
When you want to publish the app, or if you have made a new branding of the app:
App Icon
App Icon
1024 x 1024 px.
App Loading Screens Sizes
App Loading Screens Sizes
640 x 960 px.
1242 x 2208 px.
1536 x 2048 px.
1600 x 2560 px.
Home Grid Layout Launcher Background Sizes
Home Grid Layout Launcher Background Sizes
1600 x 2560 px.
1536 x 2048 px.
1242 x 2208 px.
640 x 960 px.