Image size - mobile app

Image templates for development and maintenance of mobile apps via the portal

Here you find the recommended image sizes for images when you make and maintain a mobile app via app development.

Image Carousel (All Features)

1200 x 675 px.

Home Grid Layout Launcher Icons


Folder Feature Icons - when you use a layout displaying them as squares

1024 x 1024 px.

Image Gallery & Info Slider

When displaying as Wide Screen

1200 x 675 px.

When displaying as Full Screen

1600 x 2560 px.

Folder Feature Icons

When you use a layout displaying them as horizontal bars

1200 x 300 px.

and 1200 x 675 px. depending on the layout you use.

Folder Feature Background

750 x 1334 px.

When you want to publish the app, or if you have made a new branding of the app:

App Icon

1024 x 1024 px.

App Loading Screens Sizes

640 x 960 px.

1242 x 2208 px.

1536 x 2048 px.

1600 x 2560 px.

Home Grid Layout Launcher Background Sizes

1600 x 2560 px.

1536 x 2048 px.

1242 x 2208 px.

640 x 960 px.